This is a problem merchandise, this new noodle became a TV news.This instant flied noodle has 2142 k calories, this is enough calories for one adult men for one day.”超” means “super”. Super Super Super Large serving. The Cup has enough depth. This instant noodle needs 1300ml hot water!(@_@;) It may be need to buy a large kettle? (I am topping flied shrimp balls. Left green pack is blue laver). the dry weight of noodle is 330g, regular size is 90g. it is too large for one person. I have shared my wife. But, she said “I’m enough” at once. (more…)


Kegon-fall is famous sightseeing point in Nikko in Tochigi prefecture. Cyuzenji-lake is a volcanic lake and Kegon-fall is spilling from this edge. This fall is one of great 3 falls in Japan, and more it is easy access from Tokyo by railway or car. Nikko is the place of Shogun(Samurai master) Ieyasu Tokugawa shrine. His family reigned over Japan for 270 years. After he died, his body divided to two and installation to Nikko(north of Tokyo) and Mt. Kunoh (south of Tokyo) shrines. This is a secret magic for a human become God. Now Japanese are praying to him as (more…)