There’s a lot of seafood powder in it.The spicy oil and seafood flavor are often intertwined with the noodles.It is close to ramen called ABURA SOBA (oil noodle).Instant fried noodles are not stir-fried noodles because they soften the noodles with hot water in the first place. Therefore, this is as close as possible to ABURA soba.However, this is fried noodles because it is an instant food of Peyoung. (more…)

AOJISO (Green Beefsteak plant) PEYOUNG

Beefsteak plant fried noodle Siso (beefsteak plant) is a common herb in Japan. AO means green in this case. In Japanese AO is including blue color means. Therefore, the green of the traffic light is called blue. However, the ship relation is called green. Foreign ships also come, so we have to unify them. In Japanese, when something prefix is attached, it becomes a turbid sound. SHISO →JISO To be clear, I don’t like Shiso. I may think that a small amount is delicious. However, in most cases, Japanese cuisine sometimes contains a large amount of Shiso. There is only a taste of (more…)