I saw Top Gun (1986)

I just turned on the TV and saw it because it was broadcasting.Actually, I was first watching Top Gun Maverick (2022). Watched without knowledge of 1986’s Top Gun.It was a film about the growth of young people like a Hollywood movie.Comparing this with the work of 2022, I feel that the content of 2022 is quite unrealistic.This is. I think it’s the influence of Hollywood, which has become mainstream in heroic movies such as Spider-Man and Iron Man.I love unrealistic stories, so I prefer Top Gun in 2022. I believe that unreality is a bad work if it is not convincing. There (more…)

I saw “Top Gun Maverick”

It was powerful and interesting.It’s more cartoonish in a better way than the first one.A heart-warming fury.The scene of a fighter jet flying over a cliff is a masterpiece.Is it an homage to Star Wars: Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)?The scene of a fighter jet going through a ravine or tunnel is often seen in movies.I first saw “Message from Space” in (1978). Directed by Kinji Fukasaku.宇宙からのメッセージ – YouTubeStar Wars was released in the United States in 1977 and Japan was released in 1978, so the plan was to piggyback on it by releasing it before it was (more…)

Osechi cuisine in 2023

Osechi means changing days of season in Japan. These days are ceremonies days and eats special foods in Japan. January is called as “Shougatsu” and the Spring season is starting form 1/1 in Japan.  In Asia other than Japan, spring begins around February. It adopts the change of seasons according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, it is impossible for the New Year of Japan = the beginning of spring. Still cold. It was winter and there was no sign of spring. Originally, osechi cuisine is a dish that is eaten while enjoying the atmosphere of spring. Why did this happen? When the (more…)

2023 New Year Ekiden

Ekiden is a marathon in which multiple runners run in relays.The New Year Ekiden is a popular event that is held in Japan on January 1 every year and is broadcast on TV and web. (1) 【LIVE】《全移動車》をライブ配信【ニューイヤー駅伝2023】 – YouTube¥This ekiden course is near my home in Gunma Prefecture, so I go to support it along the road and watch it on TV. I didn’t go back to Gunma Prefecture this year to prevent coronavirus infection, so I’m watching the game on TV from Osaka. Each participating runner team is a corporate club team, so it is easy to understand because the name (more…)