Gunma-chan expansion into the U.S.

The anime “Gunma-chan”, which continues to be broadcast by Gunma Prefecture residents’ blood tax ($2 million per year) and Subaru Motors, has begun distribution on the Internet distribution Crunchyroll in the United States.Anime ‘ GUNMACHAN ‘ is now streaming on Crunchyroll! | Gunmachan Official Website ( Japanese Anime festival in USA, Conducted event activities by reading famous American YouTubers.You can also watch a few episodes officially on Youtube.Use automatic translation【期間限定】アニメ「ぐんまちゃん」第1話「こんにちは!ぐんまちゃん」|メディアプロモーション課|群馬県 ( The broadcast episode of the boat race (public gambling), which was controversial because it was not suitable for a children’s program. The job description of “Mr. Gunn”, whose job is

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