Kunoh-san Tohsyoh-gu

Kunoh-san Tohsyoh-gu is a cemetery of Shogun Ieyas Tokugawa (A.D. 1542-1616).Kunoh-san means Mt. Kunoh. Tohsyoh-gu means the palace of shining east. After him dead, it established this palace for deifying Ieyasu Because this is ritual, so I can’t explain enough. It needs to divide his body to 2 parts and bury at south and north palaces from Edo-Castle. South palace is Kunoh-san Tohsyoh-gu, here. North on is Nikko Tohsyoh-gu in Tochigi prefecture. Then his started government (Edo-period) continues about 270 years (A.D 1603 – 1867).In the last of Edo-period, Tokugawa backed political power to Emperor with bloodless. Both of Tohsyou-gu

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