Yoshinogari remains of ancient

Yoshinogari remains YAMATAI-KOKU(koku means country) is ancient Japanese country in AD. 2 -3 century and there were many countries in Japan. Japan was called as “WA” in Chinese history historical document in BC 2 century. They say that YAMATAI was a head country of WA countries. Japanese history is following: *BC. 660 11th Feb. Jinmu became first Japanese emperor in BC.660 11th February. <- National foundation Day Jinmu moved from Hyuga-koku (around current Miyazaki prefecture) in Kyusyu-island to Yamato-koku (around Nara prefecture). He conquered Yamato and became a first emperor in Kashihara shrine http://www.kashiharajingu.or.jp/ When he conquered Yamato, Yata-gawasu leaded

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