The BON festival

The BON festival is in 13-15th in August in Japan. Many Japanese back to their hometown and visit their family tomb. Many Japanese traditional (countryside) house has two religions altars. Sintou and Buddhism. Shintou is a Japanese traditional religion and the polytheism (8 million Gods: All objects has GOD, so we must thanks and show respect to all of world. 8 million is max number in ancient Japan. 8 million = YAOYOROZU). Buddhism came from India, Buddhism has no GOD. Buddhism says Human can clear own life problem by myself through every day practices. Buddha he is the founder of (more…)

Ajigawa river and Warehause

Azigawa is a river in Osaka, Osaka is a mercantile city and has many canals. Tokyo city also had much canals but almost of them are filled and became roads. Japanese “— hori” or “—bori” means there place was canal. My name is “Yokobori”, this means a trench in English and technical term of castle building, not a canal. Osaka has a famous river “Yokobori” too, probably no relation. The warehouse in picture is on my commuter way. It is Sumitomo’s warehouse, so this large warehouse is standing for ling time in front of Azigawa canal. In Sunset time, this (more…)

The Golden week

The holiday week from end of April to March is called as “Golden week” in Japan. They say that movie companies named this for commercial of new movies. We have usually about one week holiday, so we enjoy travel of etc. I usually return to my home in Gumma prefecture and do farm work. I decided to clean a shed in this year. Then I found my little sister’s dolls I telephoned to my sister and told about this, then she carried to her home at once.In Japan, when baby was bone, relatives give dolls to baby. These dolls are (more…)

Happy new year 2016

NERV center Japane Evangelion date panel on 2nd flower of ASHIGARA SA(Tokyo -> Nagoya highway line) I passed ASHIGRAR SA(Service Area) again in New Year’s Day when I back to Osaka from Gumma pref. It was a fine day. We can look Mt. Fuji from in service area. Evangelion images are same in last year visit. But I had android smart phone in this time ( ̄▽ ̄). Nearby TOKYO-3 (ASHIGARA and HAKONE city) area has Evangelion GPS virtual tourism system. It needs to download GPS tourism application from internet to your smart phone. When man go to a position (in several meters (more…)

Souvenir of NERV co-op in ASHIGARA SA

Goods lineup was changed when I visited hear in last September. Bargain price “NERV car GPS system”, 10,000 Japanese yen (about 90 dollars) Why it is bargain? A store pop sign plate show map data is 2012 data and can’t update. My car has also GPS navigation system, but I bought it. I press a power button on left top, system is starting. 20160102132325 20160102132252 Screen images is like a Eavangelion animation image. Map data is by ZENRIN Corporation in Japan that is major map company and many car navigation are using this digital map data. This NERV GPS is (more…)