PEYOUNG Ebi(shrimp) noodle

Shrimp is happens food In Japan. Shrimp has red color and long mustache it feels long ages. When Nisshin cup-noodle was developing, Momofuku Ando president of Nissin believed cup-noodle needs shrimps for a hit sales of Cup-noodle. He wanted to keep red color of shrimp and he tried to use freeze dry for keeping shrimp’s red color.The red shrimp is the origin of all instant noodles. (more…)

PEYOUNG Curry and Natto(fermented soybeans)

The curry is Japanese national food. Tody, the curry became one of WA-SYOKU(Japanese). Japanese curry root isn’t India, it is England(United Kingdoms). Indian curry was introduced to England, The spice carried to England by ship. Indian curry is soup style, so curry spill from a pot on ship. then they put wheat flour in curry.Curry get body and no spill.Because Japanese navy learn from England navy, English curry was introduced to Japan. Then English curry became unpopular in England. Finally, Thicken soup curry is remained in Japan. Curry and rice, Curry and noodle, Fried pork and Curry…., Japan has food (more…)


Kegon-fall is famous sightseeing point in Nikko in Tochigi prefecture. Cyuzenji-lake is a volcanic lake and Kegon-fall is spilling from this edge. This fall is one of great 3 falls in Japan, and more it is easy access from Tokyo by railway or car. Nikko is the place of Shogun(Samurai master) Ieyasu Tokugawa shrine. His family reigned over Japan for 270 years. After he died, his body divided to two and installation to Nikko(north of Tokyo) and Mt. Kunoh (south of Tokyo) shrines. This is a secret magic for a human become God. Now Japanese are praying to him as (more…)

First snow in this season @ Mt. Fuji

I usually stay some days nearby Mt. Fuji in a year because the highway between Osaka and my hometown Gumma prefecture pass nearby Mt. Fuji. In this year, when we arrived to Hotel, it was rainy day, a receptionist said that “it maybe get clear sky in tomorrow morning in short time. You maybe look Mt. Fuji.” Because I said “In last time, it was rainy day I couldn’t look Mt. Fuji”, he said newest weather information to me. I wanted to believe his saying but rain is little hard. Then it came tomorrow morning… I felt something fine morning (more…)

Universal Studio Japan (OSAKA)

Universal Studio Japan is theme park of Universal Studio in Osaka. I am living in Osaka, so I have been visiting several times in a year. When the park is starting, attractions are smoothing, it isn’t crowded. First park attraction were about old movies that young person and child don’t know, like “Back to the future”, “Jaws” and “Water World”. But several years ago, they started using Japanese animation and game characters, then visitor is increasing and now it became a popular theme park than Tokyo Disney Resort. New attraction of Harry Potter is also poplar. Attack on Titan This (more…)