AOJISO (Green Beefsteak plant) PEYOUNG

Beefsteak plant fried noodle Siso (beefsteak plant) is a common herb in Japan. AO means green in this case. In Japanese AO is including blue color means. Therefore, the green of the traffic light is called blue. However, the ship relation is called green. Foreign ships also come, so we have to unify them. In Japanese, when something prefix is attached, it becomes a turbid sound. SHISO →JISO To be clear, I don’t like Shiso. I may think that a small amount is delicious. However, in most cases, Japanese cuisine sometimes contains a large amount of Shiso. There is only a taste of (more…)

PEYOUNG Hormon (broiled pig innards)

The broiled big inners is called Hormon in Japan and popular foods. Osaka people love beef than pork, but they love also Hormon. Naming of Hormon is came from Germany, they say it is good images for health and nourishing foods. All reagions in Japan has hormon food menus, but Japanese hormon image is Osaka. I think that Hit of animation of Osaka little girl “Chie” are broiling pig inners on skewers in Osaka downtown. Her father was managed a Japanese style pub, but he does not work and her family is poor. She are broiling hormon in a pub (more…)


This is a problem merchandise, this new noodle became a TV news.This instant flied noodle has 2142 k calories, this is enough calories for one adult men for one day.”超” means “super”. Super Super Super Large serving. The Cup has enough depth. This instant noodle needs 1300ml hot water!(@_@;) It may be need to buy a large kettle? (I am topping flied shrimp balls. Left green pack is blue laver). the dry weight of noodle is 330g, regular size is 90g. it is too large for one person. I have shared my wife. But, she said “I’m enough” at once. (more…)

PEYOUNG flied rice taste

flied rice taste flied noodle? The ambitious product over flied noodle by hot water.Many people seem microwave oven and frozen foods flied rice is better, but PEYOUNG is flied noodle instant food bland. (more…)