“MANGA” is japanese cartoon. In the early 1990s, when I went on my first business trip to the United States, I entered a video shop in a shopping mall and saw a section with the word “MANGA” written on it.“What’s that? “ When I approached it, I saw a video tapes of Rumiko Takahashi’s ”Urusei Yatsura”.ラムのラブソング(うる星やつら) – YouTubeThis MANGA story is,From space, like in the movie Independence Day (in 1996), a huge spaceship came to Earth.Their goal is to invade Earth. As a peaceful invasion method, if the representatives of Earth and their planet:  If human can play tag with the (more…)


NYAAZ is a four-piece rock band that appears in the regular characters of the animation Gunma-chan.Nyaa is the sound of a cat.Their model is a rock band called BOOWY. It is a rock band that represents the Japan born in Gunma Prefecture that everyone in Gunma Prefecture understands.Boøwy – Wikipedia(1987年)BOØWY Marionette – YouTubeI feel that the anime characters are based on their image at the time of their debut.They disbanded after achieving all their goals, including reaching No. 1 on the hit charts. That was it.After that, each of them engaged in musical activities, sometimes performing together. Basically, they don’t appear (more…)


Yayoihime is a strawberry variety developed by Gunma Prefecture.Yayoi means March. Hime is princess.Yayoi is popular as Japanese girls name. There is a period called the Yayoi period in the ancient Japan, and it originated from the fact that pottery from this period was excavated from a place called Yayoi-cho (present-day Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo). <-Many people don’t even know Japan. Yayoihime comes form girls name bacuse -hime:princess, I think.In Tochigi Prefecture, which is next to Gunma Prefecture, there is a strawberry variety called Tochiotome. Tochiotome is the most famous strawberry variety in Japan.In west Japan, there is a brand variety comparable to “Tochiotome” called “Amaou” (more…)

Nichijou “Selamat pag”?

“Nichijo” is Japanese comic(manga) and animation.(2) Nichijou – Yukko goes to a coffee shop – YouTube 【日常MAD】ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー FULL – YouTube This manga is set in my hometown of Isesaki, Gunma Prefecture.Recently, I learned that the high school that the main characters attend is modeled after my sister’s high school. Every time I saw the school gate in the animation, I felt like I had seen it before. It is said to be the alma mater of the original author.I found one with an English ticker on YouTube, so I added a link above.When my coffee shop Starbucks opened in Japan, how do (more…)

SHIMONITA negi (green onion)

SIMONITA is city name in GUMNMA prefecture.  Famous production area of green onion. Thicker and shorter than ordinary green onion. The bottom is ordinary green onion and the top is SHIMONITA green onion.  Osaka, where I live now, is 600km away from Gunma, so SHIMONITA green onion have never been sold at the store.I was surprised to see that it was sold at a shop in Osaka. I have purchased and eaten.Green onions are an indispensable ingredient in Japanese hot pot dishes.Thick SHIMONITA green onions are worth eating.Occasionally, this green onion is used for jokes.Dirty joke is “SHIMONETA” in Japanese. Because (more…)