There is an era in Japan.Basically, when the Emperor changes, the era changes.Or, the era name of Japan is changed when there is a natural disaster and the plague and it wants to change the mood.On May 1, 2019, the era name was changed from HEISEI to REIWA, Emperor changed.HEISEI means that the world becomes peaceful. REIWA means that the world will be beautiful and symphony.The era name is often decided from Chinese classics. This is because Japan has studied China since ancient times, and there are many researchers in Chinese history and classical literature. Since Japan was attacked 750 (more…)

Shikisima water plant

Maebashi-city in Gumma prefecture is water city. Gumma prefecture is the source of rivers Kanto (Tokyo metropolitan) area. So, Maebashi has long history and many plants for water supply. This is water tank This water tank is symbol of Maebashi city and now this tank and water system is stopped not working. This system is too small for current Maebashi city. In 1983 Gumma has a national sport festival. Then Maebashi-city start up this system and bottled to a can this water and sold. “Maebashi no mizu”, mizu = water, no = of. In those days, pet-bottle and mineral water (more…)

Rice Cake – 2016

I and my sister families ware pounding steamed rice into the dough used for rice cakes. MOCHI-TSUKI! Rice is steamed by wooden fire. Recently, Japanese home bakery machine has a feature for automatically cooking of rice cake. So, almost of Japanese home cooking rice cake by this feature. Almost of Japanese experience cooking rice cake by the mortar in festival or something of event. Every year we are cooking rice cake by the mortar and hammer in home, this is very rare in present day. Many Japanese are eating rice every day, but rice for cake is different kind of (more…)

The BON festival

The BON festival is in 13-15th in August in Japan. Many Japanese back to their hometown and visit their family tomb. Many Japanese traditional (countryside) house has two religions altars. Sintou and Buddhism. Shintou is a Japanese traditional religion and the polytheism (8 million Gods: All objects has GOD, so we must thanks and show respect to all of world. 8 million is max number in ancient Japan. 8 million = YAOYOROZU). Buddhism came from India, Buddhism has no GOD. Buddhism says Human can clear own life problem by myself through every day practices. Buddha he is the founder of (more…)

The Golden week

The holiday week from end of April to March is called as “Golden week” in Japan. They say that movie companies named this for commercial of new movies. We have usually about one week holiday, so we enjoy travel of etc. I usually return to my home in Gumma prefecture and do farm work. I decided to clean a shed in this year. Then I found my little sister’s dolls I telephoned to my sister and told about this, then she carried to her home at once.In Japan, when baby was bone, relatives give dolls to baby. These dolls are (more…)