A Happy New Year 2017 ! Slime King appeared!

I often encounter strange objects on the way between Gumma and Osaka. (because the way is 350 miles distance) When I passed Gyoda city in Saitama prefecture, Slime King appeared.. Yukiko readied her camera >>> Taking pictures! Slime apeared too. Slime King has an entrance? Inner view 360 degree. Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA “Koday-Hasu-no Sato : Ancient Lotus Village” in Gyoda-city is famous as rice plant art event park. http://www.ikiiki-zaidan.or.jp/kodaihasu/ They use some kinds of rice plants that has different colors and make a picture every year. In 2016, that year was 30th anniversary year (more…)