Ninja shop Konan SA -2

Shin-MeiSin High-way connects Osaka and Nagoya 2 big cities. Konan high-way service area place middle point in these two cities and here is a buffer area of Osaka and Nagoya samurai warrior. Koga and Iga are two top Ninja brand. Iga hometown is in more 30 km south place. Iga ninja was working in Japanese government (Tokugawa Shogun) and Koga ninja is usually enemy that they want to overthrow Tokugawa samurai government in many fiction stories. This is Konan SA house. Konan means Koga-south. Chinese character of “Koga” has different reading “Koka”. Now here is Koka-city in Siga prefecture. When (more…)


Kegon-fall is famous sightseeing point in Nikko in Tochigi prefecture. Cyuzenji-lake is a volcanic lake and Kegon-fall is spilling from this edge. This fall is one of great 3 falls in Japan, and more it is easy access from Tokyo by railway or car. Nikko is the place of Shogun(Samurai master) Ieyasu Tokugawa shrine. His family reigned over Japan for 270 years. After he died, his body divided to two and installation to Nikko(north of Tokyo) and Mt. Kunoh (south of Tokyo) shrines. This is a secret magic for a human become God. Now Japanese are praying to him as (more…)

PEYOUNG sauce fried noodles

Nissin Food Co.’s invented “Cup noodles” are very famous around the world as instant noodles. Then many companies are producing this type instant noodles now. You can eat only by pouring hot water into the cup. Because already there was a product made by the bowl of the home (bag noodles) before that, it did not sell as it is now at first. In the case of the Asama Sanso incident, there is a story that the appearance to eat while the police officer in outside security work has started to sell in full scale by having flowed as a (more…)

Shikisima water plant

Maebashi-city in Gumma prefecture is water city. Gumma prefecture is the source of rivers Kanto (Tokyo metropolitan) area. So, Maebashi has long history and many plants for water supply. This is water tank This water tank is symbol of Maebashi city and now this tank and water system is stopped not working. This system is too small for current Maebashi city. In 1983 Gumma has a national sport festival. Then Maebashi-city start up this system and bottled to a can this water and sold. “Maebashi no mizu”, mizu = water, no = of. In those days, pet-bottle and mineral water (more…)


Ninja is famous in worldwide. We sometimes look Ninja as superman or perfect solder in movies. But, real Ninja is a specialist of guerilla war and espionage. They infiltrate to the enemy countries and do subversive activities (political and physical). There are some schools of Ninja. Iga and Koga are two famous schools of Ninja. Iga Ninja is same as mercenary, they say they select their master by the reword. Head temple of Iga is Nabari city in Mie prefecture. Koga Ninja is usually farmer and they work under the same master. When they infiltrate to enemy place, they disguised (more…)