PEYOUNG sauce fried noodles

Nissin Food Co.’s invented “Cup noodles” are very famous around the world as instant noodles. Then many companies are producing this type instant noodles now. You can eat only by pouring hot water into the cup. Because already there was a product made by the bowl of the home (bag noodles) before that, it did not sell as it is now at first. In the case of the Asama Sanso incident, there is a story that the appearance to eat while the police officer in outside security work has started to sell in full scale by having flowed as a (more…)

PEYOUNG flied rice taste

flied rice taste flied noodle? The ambitious product over flied noodle by hot water.Many people seem microwave oven and frozen foods flied rice is better, but PEYOUNG is flied noodle instant food bland. (more…)

PEYOUNG Hoikouro

Hoikouro is Chinese cuisine. it fly vegetable and pork. Hoi means turn or return. In first step is fly pork, and catch up pork out of pan. and fly vegetables and return pork to pan.Taste is Doubanjiang. kou is pan. ro is meat. Because instant flied noodle, only catch up hot water and no return anything. (more…)

PEYOUNG Fried Vegetable

Some people say that Instant noodles is not healthy. Momofuku Ando he developed instant noodle: Cup noodle and a founder of Nissin foods corporation was eating cap noodle every mooring for proofing no problem by himself body, they said.Many Japanese people fell healthy image when he looks much vegetables in the instant noodle. Especially young man feels more. (more…)