Shikisima water plant

Maebashi-city in Gumma prefecture is water city. Gumma prefecture is the source of rivers Kanto (Tokyo metropolitan) area. So, Maebashi has long history and many plants for water supply. This is water tank This water tank is symbol of Maebashi city and now this tank and water system is stopped not working. This system is too small for current Maebashi city. In 1983 Gumma has a national sport festival. Then Maebashi-city start up this system and bottled to a can this water and sold. “Maebashi no mizu”, mizu = water, no = of. In those days, pet-bottle and mineral water (more…)


Ninja is famous in worldwide. We sometimes look Ninja as superman or perfect solder in movies. But, real Ninja is a specialist of guerilla war and espionage. They infiltrate to the enemy countries and do subversive activities (political and physical). There are some schools of Ninja. Iga and Koga are two famous schools of Ninja. Iga Ninja is same as mercenary, they say they select their master by the reword. Head temple of Iga is Nabari city in Mie prefecture. Koga Ninja is usually farmer and they work under the same master. When they infiltrate to enemy place, they disguised (more…)

Hirshima and Miyajima Shrine

I visited Hiroshima to give a presentation at an academic conference.I think it was 27 years ago in 1990, but I came here for a presentation at an academic conference when I was a student, so this is the second time.At that time, I was a student, so I didn’t have much money for sightseeing, so I stayed until Saturdays and went sightseeing.Hiroshima is famous for the Atomic Bomb Dome, but there is also Miyajima, which is a famous tourist destination. This huge torii gate was built by Taira Kiyomori, a powerful figure in the 12th century. The current torii gate is (more…)