Gunma-chan expansion into the U.S.

The anime “Gunma-chan”, which continues to be broadcast by Gunma Prefecture residents’ blood tax ($2 million per year) and Subaru Motors, has begun distribution on the Internet distribution Crunchyroll in the United States.Anime ‘ GUNMACHAN ‘ is now streaming on Crunchyroll! | Gunmachan Official Website ( Japanese Anime festival in USA, Conducted event activities by reading famous American YouTubers.You can also watch a few episodes officially on Youtube.Use automatic translation【期間限定】アニメ「ぐんまちゃん」第1話「こんにちは!ぐんまちゃん」|メディアプロモーション課|群馬県 ( The broadcast episode of the boat race (public gambling), which was controversial because it was not suitable for a children’s program. The job description of “Mr. Gunn”, whose job is (more…)

Kusatsu-Onsen 5: Private bath

Lavista Kusatsu Hotel has 4 private baths.“KAZE no yu : Wind bath”, “YAMA no yu: Mountain bath”, “Iwa no yu : Rock bath” and “Mori no yu : Forest bath”. When “In Use” lamp is on, the guest is taking a bath.When everything is in use, you can wait in the waiting area in front of the bath until the bath is free. It was vacant when I stayed and I was able to enter without waiting.This hotel has an open-air bath in all rooms, so there didn’t seem to be many people coming in. There is also a large public bath.”KAZE (more…)

Kusatsu-Onsen 4: Kusatu Nettai-ken

Kusatsu is a small town, so there are no tourist spots around.The only tourist attraction other than the hot springs is the Kusatsu Tropical Zoo. The heat of the hot springs is used to raise tropical animals.草津温泉 草津熱帯圏 トロピカルワンダーランド オフィシャルサイト ( Tropical was on the verge of bankruptcy due to the impact of the corona infection from 2020, but they managed to continue the company.Animals living in the tropics such as crocodiles and lizards are bred in the 15-meter-high dome. The outside of the dome looked like rectangular sheets of polyolefin sheets for agriculture laminated together in a tiled manner. To be honest, (more…)

Kusatsu Onsen-3 : Russian cuisine Manos

The LaVista Kusatsu hotel’s restaurant is operated by a long-established Russian restaurant MANOS in Asakusa, Tokyo.appetizer. Russian water dumplings, pelmeni.SoupMain dish.dessertTo be honest, I don’t think it’s any different from French food.The taste is really delicious. A different course meal was served for 4 nights and I enjoyed it. The fifth night went back to the beginning. ( ̄个 ̄) .It seems that the four courses are served in order.The menu changes in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, so please come back in October.Finally, I had a choice of tea or coffee. The photo shows the restaurant’s original coffee.Attached to the rim of the glass is (more…)

Kusatsu Onsen-2 : Lavista Kusatsu Hotel

This time, I wanted to take a leisurely dip in the hot spring, so I stayed for 5 nights.The point of commitment is that there is an open-air bath in the guest room.I went to a travel agency (JTB: Japan Travel Buraeu) and asked for a place to stay in Kusatsu that met my conditions, but there were two cases.One is a pure Japanese-style ryokan for about $350 per night.The other is about $170 per night at a hotel.This price is because it includes one night and half board, but even at $ 170, it is an expensive hotel in (more…)