Mobile police patlabor

Mobile police patlabor (patrol labor) is Japanese animation in AD. 1990 by Mamoru Oshii. He is famous as a director of GHOST in the SHELL. The story is on little future Japan in 1999. Now we passed that story years. Current year is 2015 and A.D. 2015 is the future that Marty was time traveling from 1985 in Back to the future2 movie. Tablet pc and flat large panel TV are realized, but cars are on road yet. Labor mean is same as in English, but in this story, it has mean of name of robots for public construction work. (more…)

Kobe port and Submarine SOURYU

Kobe port in Hyougo prefecture is a principal port in Japan same as Yokohama port in Kanagawa. That is physical distribution center and famous sightseeing point in west Japan. MOSAIC is a main commercial building in the Kobe port. It has many restrains, theater and shops. The restaurant ship CONCERT is landing in front of this building. We held our wedding ceremony on the CONCERTO and CONCERTO makes free of a course dinner for a person bills on wedding anniversary day, so we usually go to Kobe for dinner on anniversary day. Beside of MOSAIC are a little amusement park (more…)

Osaka water festival

Osaka is water-city because it has many rivers and canals. This festival has no constant style though it is annual event. This is an event, what is called, for advancement of Osaka economic. Osaka-city continues try and errors. In 2013, huge rubber duck appeared in main field. Here is in front of Osaka-city center market beside river Aji-gawa. And here is an old port of Osaka, it was called as “Kawaguchi port”. Now it is called “Nakanoshima gate”, is an event field and is not port. Why we have a port in here, Kawaguchi is a foreign settlement and for (more…)

The lady and Unicorn

The tapestry of the lady and Unicorn came from France to Osaka city museum. This art is a suite of six tapestries. In 2013, we went on a trip to France, though I did not know this tapestry in the museum in Paris. I regretted hard then. The reason of I wanted to see this tapestry is this tapestry is an important item in a story of GUNDAM UNICORN (original DVD animation in 2012-2014 , disk 1-7). Sorry(ToT)>”, this is a GUNDAM topic. GUNDAM UNICORIN became a talk of the Japanese animation and novels fan because young and spirited Japanese (more…)