Sagrada Familia

Church of holy family



Standing on bench

This is famous church designed by Antoni Gaudii. Final shape of this church is covered roof between tower.   Towers are instead of wall and column.  I feel construction is continuing quietly by contribution when I visited.

I heard completion  of this church need more than 200 years. I can not see completed shape. 

I think Japanese like Gaudii. In Sima near by Nagoya, Theme Park Sima Spain village is exist.  Many building in Sima Spain village are replica of Gaudii, Gaudii style is break colorful tile and paste broken tile to wall. I think Completed shape of Sagrada Familia has tiling colorful wall.  I want to see expected complete Sagrada Familia even replica in Theme Park..

If you visit Sagrada Familia, please go to there in the morning. The front of Sagrada Familia face to east. So, if you visit in the afternoon, front of Sagrada Familia is in the Shade. And there are few traveler,  so it is nice for taking picture. And you can stand on bench for nice angle( please take off your shose).

 There is step in inside tower.

View form top of tower


This is back face of Sagrada Familia, there are modernistic statues. After I head on TV it is decide to remake these statues. These pictures maybe valuable one.