Tokyo SkyTree


Tokyo SkyTree

Height : 634m


The Tokyo SkyTree is new electric wave tower instead of the Tokyo towerIt height 634m is a play on words. This 634 pronounces MU-SA-SHI.  6:MU , 3:SA , 4:SHI. Musashi is old name of this region of Tokyo city, Tochigi and Gumma prefectures. Chinese character is same as the famous samurai Musashi Miyamoto, but there is no relation.

At last, I have visited the Tokyo SkyTree!

It was a little cloudiness, but warm day.

Sky Tree is new land mark tower of Tokyo and it is standing Osiage rail way station near by the Sensouji temple in east side of Tokyo station(here in Google map). The Osiage station have a very important mean because this station connects with the Ikejiri-Ohashi subway station directly. Some persons who visit my page have a chance of a visiting the Ikejiri-Ohashi station. When you use the Ikejiri-Ohashi station,  please remember this station connects to the SkyTree. You can stand in front of the SkyTree  after 40 minutes from the Ikejiri-Ohashi. And the Oshiage station connects also Isesaki city in Gumma prefecture there is my hometown. So when I often use this rail way to back to my parents house. I was checking congestion of the SkyTree for these 2 years since it was opened. It is still crowded but you can enjoy smoothly if you buy tickets in advance form internet site page of the Skytree(here).  For the day ticket needs you must wait for long time in front of ticket counter. It has an entrance restriction, so day ticket is disadvantageous.

The SkyTree has two main floors. The 350m floor and 450m floor.

A ticket fee is \2000 Japanese yen to 350m floor. And \1000 fee needs to 450m floor. To 450m floor tickets is selling in only 350m floor tickets counter. 

You can enjoy nice Tokyo city views from the Tokyo SkyTreeAlso You can also find the Tokyo tower (right of center in a right picture).

A view from 350m floor. 17:18 1st Jan.

F1.9 1/40 ISO3200

Sky walk  in 450m floor

The skywalk is a spiral slope on 450m floor.

The visitors arrive at 445m floor and walk up to 450m floor through this skywalk.


Outside of SkyTree, many people are waiting for day tickets, but inside of SkyTree arent crowded by entrance restriction. You can walk at a slow speed and enjoy sky view from 450m height.

450m floor has the Sorakara point. This spot point is for taking picture. The illumination sign reflects to windowpanes.

The visitors can take pictures of reflection indication of TOKYO SKYTREE, todays date, height or etc. and sky view in one picture.

At the opposite of a windowpane, there is blue illumination spot to experience floating your body feeling in visually.

  The Reflection sign and night view from 450m.

Night illumination of SkyTree

The SkyTree is standing on the premises of Tobu rail way company of Tobu Isesaki line. Tobu Isesaki line Joints Asakusa and Isesaki-city. Asakusa is famous for Asakusa Sensouji temple that has big Japanese paper lantern. The Osiage station got sub-name of Tokyo Skytree mae (mae means front) station in 2012 because SkyTree town(shopping building) was opened.  The Osiage station is a share station with Kaisei, Tokyo metro, Toei and Tobu line. So, Tobe renamed themselves Narihira-bashi station that is previous station of Osiage in Askusa side to Tokyo SkyTree station.   Because the Narihira-bashi(Tokyo SkyTree) and Osiage(SkyTree mae) was very near station, these station are west and east end of SkyTree area now.

The Tokyo SkyTree is very high, so normal camera lens cant take one frame. Finally, please look this movie.