Kobe Port Tower

(Kobe, Japan)


Impressive red twist shape, many people can recognize this is Kobe Port Tower, it is not so high but that boldly concept of shape is good I feel. I move to Osaka from Tokyo. They say this tower is week for earthquake, but this tower was able to stand up to Hansin Earthquake. 

Opposite of Port Tower of around Kobe port, there is Mosaic, Mosaic is  complex store building, it has restaurant, store and theater. In front of Mosaic, a ship at anchor is  restaurant ship Concerto. We had married on this ship. 

Kobe MOSAIC from view of Port tower

Restaurant ship is very good amusement spot in Kobe. Kobe is only one place we can enjoy restaurant ship in Kansai in Japan. Kansai is west center of Japan main island. There are three or more restaurant ship in Kobe. But I think Concerto is best. 

Visitor can enjoy lunch and dinner with live Jazz music.


Lunch price is about 70 US$, Dinner price is between about 70 and 140 US$. Smorgasbord style dinner is about 40 US$. And for boarding needs ship ticket(20US$).   It feel very expensive, but you will be convinced if you have meal on restaurant ship one time.

Lunch is  profitable.


The ship of Concerto has memorial plate of wedding. All couple who had married on Concerto has own plate.  We also have a plate.

And wedding on ship is memory at ship's log.


Night view of Kobe