Tanzan Shrine Thirteen storied Pagoda



National Important cultural property


Japanese old Capital city before Kyoto is Nara (until AD784). Tokyo is capital from AD1869. From AD784 until AD1869 Kyoto is capital city.  In Japan, there is no law about capital city. So, some Japanese persons say Kyoto is Capital yet. There is many objections, but many Japanese think capital city is living place of Japanese Emperor, yet.  When capital moved to Kyoto from Nara, government promulgated law for moving capital. But, no law when capital move to Tokyo from Kyoto.  They say, Emperor said " I will visit to Tokyo for a short while" and Tokyo became capital city from then. But, since AD1603 Edo(old name of Tokyo) was administrative center because Shogun(General) was living in Edo.  In AD1865 political power moved from Shogun to Emperor.

After of 2nd World War, political power moved to a nation, and then most Japanese think capital city is city has a legislative, now.


In AD645, Most powerful man of Japanese government is Iruka Soga and his relations, not Emperor.   Prince Nakanooue and Kamatari Nakatomi assassinated Iruka Soga and recapture power to Emperor. They discussed this assassination plan at this shrine. 

This Pagoda is only one wooden thirteen storied Pagoda in Japan and a national  important cultural property. This shrine is famous maple-viewing point.  maple-view)。



Rest house"Nikkou"

Sweet alcoholic drink is popular.