Expo. Aichi 2005


People's line in front of gate.


  We had gone to Expo. Aichi.
I thought that there were heavy crowd.
Ha-a!, What a heavy crowd it was!
I heard some informations from company persons. So, I could arraive to in front of gate smooth. But,  much people line up infront of gate. I could only wait my enterance for more tha one hour.

When Expo. Osaka is opened, I was 3 years old. So, I couldn't go that. But, I had gone to Expo. Kobe when I was 10 years old.  I had taken a Sin-kansen express from Tokyo to Kobe alone.
About Tukuba Expo, I had gone to three times. I had gone to Expo. from my chiledhood and entered current company.   I must go Expo. Aichi and engoy.



Liner moter Express


My home town is in Gumma prefacture it far from 100 km from Tokyo. It can move this distance for 1 hour by Jouetsu Sin-kansen line.

And my wife's home town is Hakata in Fukuoka prefecture it is sourth end of Sinkansen Express line. Osaka is middle point of Tokyo and Hakata. Tokyo - Osaka needs 2 hour and half, Osaka-Hakata needs same by Tokai Sin-kansen and Sanyou Sin-kansen line. 


Toyota Pavilion

Toyota pavilion is most popular pavilion.
Toyota Headquater office is in this Aichi.

I had waited more than 3 hours for thi pavilion.
Honda developed human type robot, its name is ASIMO. It is famous. Toyota also developed human type robots. This pavilion's show is entertament dance show by human and that robots. It wa very beatiful show.

After a show, we could see feature vehicle by Toyota.  




Forest in Japan Pavilion
By It expresses deep forest by using mist and lighting effect. Japan pavilion has exhibition of Japanese industrial products and theater of full glove shape screen. Visitors look movies from on a bridge in grove. Full grove screen (side, upper and under: all direction) is great.




Aichi Expo’s main theme is “Symbiotic of human and nature”. Expo site has large forest area in it. Usually, there is much modern architecture in Expo site and these become a landmark. But, in this exp, landmark, most popular architecture is wooden house “The house of Satuki and May”. This house is that Satuki and May: Kusakabe sisters are living in animation movie “My Neighbor Totoro” by Hayao Miyazaki. For entering this house it must win lottery ticket. We couldn’t get tickets. But this house is remained also after expo is finished.

Incidentally, older sister Satuki born in May, so she is named as Satuki that means “May” of Japanese language.

Younger sister May also born in May, so she is May.