Kyoto Yuka

Kyoto Yuka(:Flloor) is a restaurant on the riverbank of the Kamogawa River in Kyoto in the summer, and in the form of a temporary curb, which protrudes into the river, makes a profit and eats there.

Eating Kyoto cuisine in the early summer breeze of Kyoto is refreshing, tiring from work, and making me drowsy.

Like a course meal, the dishes are brought to you and you eat while listening to the explanation.

When my kendo teacher since elementary school was able to go to Kyoto for a kendo match, on the last day I asked the taxi driver to take me to a place where I could eat delicious food because it was expensive, and he told me that it would be better to eat it in a normal place because it would not suit the taste of people in Kanto. I've heard that.

Certainly, it is delicious, but considering the price and content, I think it does not suit the sensibilities of ordinary Kanto people.

However, I believe that food is not just about enjoying the taste of food, but about enjoying the atmosphere and talking with the people who eat it. Considering that the price includes the pleasure of eating in such a place in Kyoto, it may be cheap.