Huis Ten Bosch (Nagasaki)

Huis Ten Bosch is a theme park inspired by the Netherlands in Nagasaki.
At the end of 1998, I went to my wife's hometown of Fukuoka and went sightseeing.

  Giant Miphy

In the central square was a huge Miphy. Since it was the end of the year, there were not many tourists.

After that, unfortunately, it was acquired by a foreign capital, but I had the impression that there were no people in the facility, even though it was large.




Also, I was impressed that there was a Dutch person among the staff (to be clear, I don't know if he is Dutch because I don't know Dutch). I like the fact that you can have a wedding in the park, there is a hotel, and you can feel that you are not relying only on boxes (facilities). 

It is also lit up at night and is beautiful.

Of course, you will have to stay overnight to enjoy Huis Ten Bosch at night, but I have stayed in the hall before, but it is still expensive, so it is recommended to stay at a hotel in Sasebo City. Hotels in the city are also open considering Huis Ten Bosch sightseeing, so it's okay to leave late.