Gumma and Fukuoka



My hometown is in Gumma prefecture. My wife's hometown is in Fukuoka prefecture. Downtown of Fukuoka city is called as Hakata.  We met in Osaka.





Jyosyu dialectal


Singou aka danbe Singal is red.

sitoru be I know.


 -be or danbe is add to conversation tail.  this dialectal is not use now without old people they boned before 2nd world war. This dialectal was almost lost.

Hakata dialectal


 Singou aka bai Signal is red.

 Sitoh tai I know.


 -bai or -tai is add to conversation tail. And Hakata dialectal has many unique words.  This dialectal is popular and living now like Osaka, Kyoto dialectal. If people in  Hakata speak only Hakata dialectal, even native Japanese speaker can't understand.   Of course my  wife is Hakata dialectal speaker.


Industrial and social custom


Mt. Asama is near by Gumma. Mt. Asama is an active volcano and showered  volcano ash to Gumma. so soil of Gumma is volcano ash and water drain is good. And this soil is good at mulberry.  So Rising silkworm is prospering in Gumma. then Textile industry was growth.  In the start of 19th century, government made silk mill in Gumma for wealth and military strength of Japan. Because woman can get much money than  hers husband by weaving, Woman's status is high in family. Husband never say anything his wife's income and man say only "My wife is best worker".   It is famous as petticoatism in Jyosyuu. Jyosyu is old Gumma's name. 

 Kiryu Textile in Gumma is famous as one of three biggest textile production centers in Japan.  

Fukuoka prospered as Japanese  base port for China and Asian country since ancient time. In the start of 19th century, government made iron works in Fukuoka for wealth and military strength of Japan and Fukuoka also prospered as Japanese center of  heavy industries. 

Hakata Textile in Fukuoka is famous as one of three biggest textile production centers in Japan.  

(Last textile production center of three is Nishijin textile in Kyoto,)  

Shape of rice cake



Special Products

Sweet barbecue steamed bun


It is roasted steamed bun on a skewer with sweet syrup. It is my wife's favorite food. She scolded me "why didn't you teach me this in first in Gumma?" 

Our favorite shop is Cyujiya-honpo (has mail-order selling)


Cod roe in red pepper (Mentaiko)


Raw cod roe in red pepper. It has peculiar smell and taste. 

Hi-quality one is expensive. and almost Japanese like this and feel glad when receive as gift.

This one is popular as Sushi menu as Mentai.    


 about 2 million

about 5 million


6363 square km

 4968 square km


1 hour far from Tokyo station by super express train (Shinkansen). There are no airport.

6 hours far from Tokyo station by Shinkansen. 2 hours far from Haneda (Tokyo) airport by plane.


Maebsahi first market festival.

There are only local and miner festival.


Hakata dontaku, Yamagasa. Those are very famous festival in Japan.  When those festival is holding, it is very difficult to reserve Hotel. 

Dontaku is holiday's mean come from  Zondag in Dutch. Festival main is traditional style parade.

Yamagasa is race of  each town's team to Kushinada shrine in Fukuoka for good health.  Brave men carry up portable shrine and rush to Kusinada shrine. People shower water to men on road. This race start AM 4:59. It is high tension festival from very early morning.