

My wife said "I have not traveled to foreign country since honeymoon. Only you went to foreign country.” Certainly, we haven’t haven trip to foreign country. But, average of Japanese white color worker’s family can’t go to foreign countries frequently. “Only you” mean is business trip, and it isn’t frequently, so I feel it is a false charge (T_T): weep. But I decided to go a trip abroad as 10 years anniversary of marriage.

So, word of “Egypt” occurred to my head. 12,3 years ago, I wanted to go Egypt , but I was busy then, so I couldn’t get long vacation, I couldn’t go. My parents knew I want to go Egypt and they had gone.  That time, after of Luxor terrorism murder case, 64 persons including 10 Japanese visitors were killed. They said, terrorist distributed their statement with English before terrorism, but Japanese visitors could not understand that.  So, I asked to my parents, “If you feel dangers, please escape!” They said that “We will go together with Mr. Negishi (who was English teacher of my high school). No problem.”  And then, when they return to Japan , my mother said, “You must go to Egypt at once, Sphinx is collapsing quickly.”  Certainly, Sphinx was collapsing in her pictures than pictures of tour pamphlet. So, I decided to go Egypt .

From my wife who critical person is this trip said “Why we go to Egypt ? It only you want to go!”

<Select travel agent>
I can't get so long vacation. But, I want to much sightseeing point. Foreign people sometimes said every Japanese move as group. In Japan, we have no long vacation customs, so vacation term is short, and for long term in Edo period (AD 1603-1867), Japanese people can’t travel freely without going and worship to shrine or temple with their neighbor. So, Japanese move with group by this custom and for high efficiency.  Egypt has no enough traffic networks, so traveler need tour bus and tour conductor.

I found tour plan of ”Next weekend is trip to Egypt 6 days” in JTB travel agency. JTB is Japan Travel Bureau mean and this company base is national foundation, now this is private company, and we call only “JTB” because it isn’t bureau now. It is largest in Japan , little expensive but it has excellent worldwide network.

1st day
 Assemble on kansai airport (KIX)
 What a first day! only assemble on airport. (」゜ロ゜)」: surprised
2nd day KIX -> Doha -> Luxor airport
 Luxor east river side sightseeing
Karnac shrineLuxsor shrine   (update will be continue..)
3rd day Luxor west river side sightseeing
Memunon huge statue,   King's valley, Queen Hatshepsut funeral temple
Falucca : yacht of Nile
Bound to Cairo : ABELA sleeping express train
4th day Arrival at Cairo, 3 large pyramid of Cairo: enter to Kufu pyramid
What is Sphinx looking?
Red pyramid and Refract pyramid in Dahasule,   Ramuses 2nd huge statue,
Step pyramid of Jesel, Nile night cruise
5th day Cairo tower from Ramses Hilton hotel.
Egypt histry museam.
last day Cairo ->  Doha -> KIX
Last day is only return to Kansai air port. I have to go office tommorow. (#´ο`#;)tired.

We could return to Japan without no accident from Egypt. I Japan , many TV stations often broadcast special program about Egypt . Japanese like Egypt . Relation of Japan and Egypt is old.  Mummy is import to Japan as Chinese medicine in Edo period. We look Egypt TV program together and said “ we look this” each other. Egypt tour is useful as conjugal common topic.