Menmunon Huge statue

<West river side of Luxor>

Tar-chan says "There was no bridge on Nile in Luxor , so traveler need much time to move form east to west river side. Traveler must use ship and change to another bus. Now, there is new bridge and traveler can enjoy both sides in more short time.”

<Memuno huge statue>

We crossed a bridge where armed policemen with bullet are defending.   For a long time, we drove on country side load. Then we arrived to a square where many bus are stopped.   “Here is Memunon Huge statue!”  I didn’t no here. “Memunon? A general in Troia war? Why here is?” I couldn’t understand and I hadn’t read guide books about here.  Two huge statues come to my eyes when I got off from bus, there are no needs to search around. (゜ロ゜;<- choke up

“Why Memunon?  Memunon was Phoencian? Not Ethiopian? ….” Why people this statue call as “Memunon” it is mystery, but these statues is Amenphotep 3rd. long long ago, there was funeral shrine of him, but newer Pharaohs broken that and used to build their shrine.  Then only two huge statues were remained here.


The height is 18m and how huge! I felt from birds on statues. Statues have huge damage, but they are repaired by iron parts.